The Home of Kamptar: THE DESTROYER!
Available to BUY from these locations!
Digital Online (available worldwide):
These are full quality, hi-res, digital only, delivered to your device, for the same price as the full-color printed comic book found in your local book store.
Physical Print (shipped worldwide):
These are typically printed in a graphic novel format and are not as high quality as the digital online or printed comic book versions. They might cost more in order to deliver to you worldwide.
Physical Print (local comic book stores):
Reflection Comics
318 Tamiami Trail
Unit 226
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Facebook: Reflection Comics
Instagram: reflection_comics_
Yancy Street Comics South
13944 W Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33635
Facebook: YancyStComicsSouth
These are the highest quality printed comic books, full-color glossy, in standard comic book size, priced the same as the full quality digital online version, but found only in these comic book store locations.